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Understand spoken Thai
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Fil d'Ariane
English-Foreign Dialogues
English-Thai Dialogues - B
Onglets principaux
Literal breakdown
Beach 1 (Dialogue)
Hello, Today I will tell about my experience of going to the sea.
When I was young, there was a story.
At that time it was Songkran day.
It is a high season in Thailand.
Then, we plan in the family that we will go to the sea that year.
The place I will go to is Hua Hin.
It is in the south of Thailand.
I think it is Prachuap Khiri Khan province.
And then my father will be the driver for us.
And we have to travel from Chiang Mai to Prachuap.
It is a very far distance.
We cannot drive the car to go there in one day.
We have to stop by in Bangkok first.
And stay there for one night before continuing to travel.
We arrived there around the evening because the distance from Bangkok to Prachuap is far away.
We arrived in the evening and we had no idea why there were so many tourists.
I understand that it’s a high season but it’s too much until we don’t have any hotel to stay.
We normally expect to stay in the hotels near the beach but with a lot of people, those hotels were fully booked.
So we had to find a hotel far from the beach about two kilometres if I remember correctly.
Another problem after we got to the hotel was that we couldn’t drive the car into the beach because there were a lot of people and there was no parking for us.
So we had to walk to the beach which was very far away and I was too lazy to walk.
But when we got there our feelings changed, became very excited and I was really very excited because we saw the bustling atmosphere of tourists and beaches full of people.
Then, the first thing which we had to do was we had to find a dining table and we found a dining table and seats for rent on the beach which I don’t know the rental price but it was expensive.
As soon as we got a table, we started ordering food immediately.
The food there will be seafood and maybe some rice.
But I ordered the grilled seafood, the grilled seafood are everything including seafood, such as shrimp crabs clams and squid. Bring it to the full table.
And we ordered a large plate of fried rice because Thai people like to eat rice if there is no rice then they are feel not full.
On that day we sat with our family and my dad drank beer and watched the sea view. There is the sea breeze blowing.
Oh! the wind is cool. People swim in the sea.
Well, it was a very relaxing atmosphere. I wanted to try swimming in the sea.
So I invited my dad to play on the beach.
But the strange thing is that the area where I am sitting is an area that has only shells. Can you imagine it.
And it’s not a fine sandy beach as we imagined.
It consisted of coarse sand, fine gravel, shells and many crabs.
And then there were small bits of glass in the water which could cut my feet. I walked around and tried to avoid stepping on them.
When we walked to the water...
I stepped with my feet in the water, Oh! very cold, it was very cold.
Which he was luckier than me as that area there was fine sand.
But my brother was at another area.
The area where I was had coarse sand, coarse gravel and shells.
I continued to walk. Until the sea flooded my chest and then I felt pain in my feet which we hadn’t noticed that we were walking on sand or gravels or shells.
And then I can hear my father shouting for me to hurry ashore because my area there are only shells.
And I was very unlucky.
That is I didn’t see the sign. Can you imagine it?
There will be a sign indicating that the area where I am staying, I must not play because there are only shells and no sand.
Now I can feel it.
Oh! ...that was bad...I was very hurt.
And then I had to run up.
I ran...ran...ran.
and then I was in pain because I was aware at the time I walked down
It didn’t hurt but as soon as we were aware of it we ran.
When I arrived at the shore, I bled a lot.
My whole foot was bleeding.
I was suffering a lot.
There were cuts and cuts and wounds on my feet, blood drenched.
My father too, my father was also bleeding.
We felt in a bad mood.
We walked back to the hotel since we didn’t bring the car.
We couldn’t drive the car.
We had to walk two kilometres back to the hotel.
And my feet were only blood.
Can you imagine it?
I was hurt and tortured.
We got to the hotel then applied an antiseptic and alcohol and bandaged my foot.
After that I remember Hua Hin as a very dangerous place for me.
Beach 2 (Dialogue)
Today I will tell about my experience of going to Ko Chang.
That day it was Songkran day during the high season in Thailand.
Me and my family plan to go to Ko Chang in Trad.
Er...the distance from Chiang Mai to Trad is about nine hundred and ninety two kilometers.
If I remember correctly, it takes about sixteen hours of travel.
We had to travel for two days and I think that we had a stopover in Chon Buri If I remember correctly.
We arrived at Trad at about 4 pm.
That day we had to buy a ferry boat ticket, which we just call ferry.
The ferry is a boat that you can drive a car onto.
But when we drive up, there will be a queue where there are two rows for us to queue in.
Then there is a car which creates a third queue or third row.
And my dad didn’t know and followed that car to the third row.
We were chased back.
In fact, we kept queuing up until we reached it.
But because my dad moved to the third queue then he chased us to go to the end of the line.
So we had to sit and wait again.
Until the boat came to pick up everyone then we were the last car.
Can you imagine it? (2)
Instead of being the first car but being the last car.
Because we created a third queue.
So if you go there then don’t do it.
Until we had already traveled at 9 p.m.
The ferry takes approximately half an hour from Trad to Ko Chang.
So we will arrive there at about 9.30 p.m.
When we arrived at Ko Chang then we had to drive to find the beach.
There are about four or five popular beaches.
The distance from each beach is quite far.
And the roads in Ko Chang are absolutely terrible roads.
If anyone is not able to drive skillfully I would recommend not to drive at all because it’s very dangerous.
The way will be steep with hairpin bends.
Cars coming from above will not see the cars below, but can only see the headlights of other cars shining up.
The car below will not see the car above because of the hairpin bend in the road.
It is very scary.
Because at that time it was already dark.
My father drove at about 10 p.m., but before we found the accommodation, it took two hours.
That is we circle around the island.
Because on that day it was Songkran Day, during the high season.
All the hotels and bungalows were fully booked in Ko Chang.
Finally, we got accommodation in Kai Bae beach.
It’s a beach that is considered to be the worst among all the beaches in Ko Chang.
Our accommodation is in a tent.
It is fully booked.
And we had to wait for the people who were staying at the bungalow to leave early in the morning and then we could go to stay in that bungalow.
We had to sleep in the tent one night before.
The tent location is by the rocks which will be like a barrier.
It will be steep rocks about two meters high and arranged along the beach.
And next up from the rocks is a beach and we put up the tent there.
That night, we ate at about 1 a.m.
We ate normal food such as rice, plain fried rice.
Because we are tired
The food at the hotel is very expensive. No, the food in Ko Chang is very expensive.
Because the transportation costs of the various things uses a lot of oil.
A dish of fried rice cost two hundred which I’ve never eaten before.
A dish of fried rice cost two hundred that I believe is very expensive.
When we had finished eating...
We went to take a shower and then went to sleep.
Because I was very tired.
By the time I arrived, by the time I had driven, by the time I had done whatever, then I was very tired and fell asleep.
Suddenly in the morning I woke up at about 8 a.m.
I did not wait, I rushed to swim at the beach.
The sand on Kai Bae Beach is rough, with pebbles and rocks but not a lot of shells so we can run without cutting our feet.
I was playing in the water for about three hours.
I swam with a large swimming ring to play.
And the weather is great there
The sky was clear and it did not rain.
It normally rains at Songkran but today it does not rain.
When I had finished playing in the water, after that I went up to eat.
Today’s food is better than last night’s.
Because my mother cooks.
That is we will take a small gas stove with a gas canister to use for cooking.
We had already prepared the pots and whatever other things.
We went to buy the raw materials for cooking.
I ate whatever, though I can’t remember exactly what, but it was very delicious seafood.
We were happy that day, although we encountered very bad things.
And the story of the ferry and also the story about driving at night and also staying in a tent.
But that’s fine, it was great fun.
Being polite 1 (Dialogue)
In this chapter I will talk about politeness and impoliteness.
I will divide it into three large types.
The first is the language.
The second various gestures.
And then about the appropriateness.
In Thailand, the use of language is mixed.
There is polite language and impolite language.
But not that using impolite language is a bad thing.
It depends on the level of intimacy of the people that we talk to.
The type with friends, we probably wouldn’t use very polite language with them.
That is, when we are close to our friends.
We will use the language that er...makes more intimacy.
So we use various pronouns.
Instead of us saying I and you, we will change to informal words for “you” or “I”.
such as; for example
When I talk to my friends.
I will address my friends using the impolite form of “you”.
such as; for example
Where are you going? (male impolite form)
Yeah, I am going too. (impolite form)
Shall we go to eat?
I’m hungry. (impolite form)
Something like this.
But to use the impolite form of the words “you” or “I” you must have a really close friendship with the people.
That is not with distant friends.
This I don’t recommend to use.
It must be a friend of the same age.
Friends who are close to each other.
Being friends who have known each other for a long time.
Then you can use the impolite form of the words “you” and “I”.
We don’t use the impolite form of “you” or “I” with a friend of opposite sex.
That is we don’t address a woman using the impolite form of “you”, something like this.
Because it hardly ever looks good at all.
But some...some groups, some people, really close friends with each other, they can use these.
But mostly you will rarely see men addressing women using the impolite form of “you”, something like this.
We might change the impolite form of the word “you”, to the impolite female form of “you”, when addressing women who are our friends.
For example...where are you going?
What are you doing? (impolite form)
Something like this.
We will adjust it to suit for gender.
Because women are the gentle sex.
We will have to say something that is gentle.
The impolite forms of “you” and “I” are simply rude.
That it is very rude too.
But if it were “you”, it might be like...not so rude.
But for me, when I address a woman, I will call her with the polite form of “you”.
I will use the really polite form of the word, that is “you”.
“You” (the polite form), do you like it?
What do you want to eat?
Where are you going?
Are you free? (female speaker)
Something like this.
because even though they are friends
But we respect women as our mothers.
if we meet someone that we do not know
We should use the word “you” (for people older than you) or “you” (for people younger than you).
For example, when I call er...a seller.
When I buy something then I will say “you”...“you” (using the form for older people), how much is this?
How much is this?
If it happens that it’s er...“you” (for a woman older than speaker’s mother) or “you” (for a woman younger than speaker’s mother)
We would address them as “you” (for a woman older than speaker’s mother) or “you” (for a woman younger than speaker’s mother).
For example, you (to a woman older than speaker’s mother) much is this?
You (for a woman older than speaker’s mother) much is this?
but when I go to a restaurant
when I meet a waitress
Most waiters are young.
That is a student or undergraduate.
I will address them using “you” (for younger people).
For example, (to younger person), er...could I have the bill. (to younger person), can I order more food.
Something like this.
That is, we will change from using the word “you” (for older people) to the word “you” (for younger people).
But if the waitress is older than us, that is that they are definitely older than us...
We will address them with the word “you” (for older people) much is this? (to an older person) could I have the bill.
Something like this.
but if we want to be formal when speaking in er...a meeting room or a public place
We should use the words “me” or “you” when talking with someone.
For example, Somsri...what do you think about this business? you think this is good?
And we will replace “yourself” with the word “I” as I am doing now.
I also refer to myself with the word “I” because it is a formal word.
If it is a woman, she will refer to herself using the word “I” (for women).
“I said...I am like this” (female polite form). Like this.
A man refers to himself with the word “I”.
A woman instead refers to herself with the word “I”.
In a moment I will try to give you examples of a few conversations.
for comparison, for everyone to understand more
As example of the first part, I will talk about er...impoliteness first.
To use with friends like this.
When my friends come to my house.
For example, my friend’s name is Golf.
I might say, hey! .. What’s up, Golf?
How are you? (informal)
We haven’t seen each other for a long time.
Where have you been?
He might answer me that yeah.. I have just came back from Bangkok.
Have you eaten yet?
I think I’ll treat you immediately.
In a moment you can try to call other friends to meet up as we haven’t seen each other for a long time.
Next, an example of a polite form when we talk to people who are older than us.
We will address them using the impolite form of the word “you”.
For example, Hey!... How are you, Jib?
We haven’t seen each other for a long time.
How are you? (to someone older)
He might answer me “Hey... I’m fine, and you?”
You... I have heard that you are working now.
What’s up?
Is your work fun?
Something like this.
if being a person of the same level and of the same age
Or er... the same working level.
You may be using the polite form of the word “you”.
For example, Miss are you?
He might answer that I’m fine.
But I have a lot of work during this period.
The work at my company is very busy.
I don’t have much time to come to see you.
How are you doing?
How was your school recently?
Are you following your class?
if the woman we are talking to is younger than us
She maybe would use the cute female form of the word “I”.
For example, my name... my name is Jib.
What is your name?
Something like this.
sometimes, if we talk to a friend who is not very close
We may be use the informal form of the word “I”.
For example, my name is Jay.
And you, what’s your name?
Or maybe a man and woman are talking with each other.
For example, my name is Gun.
What is your name? (informal)
Being polite 2
Being polite 3