Understand spoken Thai


Lesson Name Words & Phrases Quiz Apprendre
"What language do Central Thai speak? (dialogue)" Practice
"What are some of the provinces in Northern Thailand? (dialogue)" Practice
"Your name is Tawon isn’t it? (dialogue)" Practice
"What are some of the countries in Asia? (dialogue)" Practice
"What are some of the states in America? (dialogue)" Practice
"Were are you going today? (dialogue)" Practice
"Where are you going today? (Dialogue)" Practice
"What nationalities are there at the U.N.? (Dialogue)" Practice
"We both study Thai (dialogue)" Practice
"What languages do Southern Thai people speak? (dialogue)" Practice
"Did the doctors go? (dialogue)" Practice
"Who is in that room? Teachers and students. (dialogue)" Practice
"Who is in that room? Students. (dialogue)" Practice
"What languages does he speak? (dialogue)" Practice
"What language does he speak? (dialogue)" Practice
"John and Jim go to school with each other (dialogue)" Practice
"Mary and Jenny go to the market with each other (dialogue)" Practice
"You with my friend know each other (dialogue)" Practice
"John and Jim speak German to each other (dialogue)" Practice
"The teacher and the student speak Thai to each other (dialogue)" Practice