Understand spoken Thai


Lesson Name Words & Phrases Quiz Apprendre
"The post office is straight ahead. Should I go straight on or turn?" Practice
"Excuse me which way is the main Post office? (dialogue)" Practice
"Is there a barber shop around here? (dialogue)" Practice
"Do you have many brothers and sisters? (dialogue)" Practice
"Your name is Chaleum isn’t it? (dialogue)" Practice
"The Lord’s Prayer" Practice
"I can. This book is good. Whose is it?" Practice
"Did the government employees go? (dialogue)" Practice
"Did the traders go or not? (dialogue)" Practice
"Alex and Mac are going to Ann’s house (Dialogue)" Practice
"Meeting someone (Dialogue)" Practice
"At the restaurant (Dialogue)" Practice
"I want this one; I don’t want that one." Practice
"I like fish; I don’t like shrimps." Practice
"I like to sleep at night; I don’t like to sleep during the day." Practice
"I want tea; I don’t want coffee." Practice
"Hello, how are you? (Dialogue)" Practice
"What is this called? (Dialogue)" Practice
"Surname’s Smith, right? Yes. (dialogue)" Practice
"At the hotel (Dialogue)" Practice