Understand spoken language


8 differences between Lingopolo and Duolingo

Submitted by Hugh on 22 January 2018

1. Lingopolo is a non-profit

Lingopolo is a non-profit, whose aim is to bring the best language-learning to the world for free.

Duolingo is a company, whose principal aim is to make a profit.

2. Lingopolo has tens of thousands of dollars investment

Lingopolo has currently had a tens of thousands of dollars spent on it.

Duolingo has received $108 million dollars of investment and is worth around $700 million.

How Lingopolo plans to work from any language, to any language

Submitted by Hugh on 1 September 2017

In an earlier post announcing that Lingopolo becomes 100% free, I wrote about how I'm preparing to build Lingopolo into the world's best system for anybody to learn any-language, from any-language, for free.

Here I would like to explain how this "any-language to any-language" will be done.

What we currently have

Currently, we have only 3 language pairs available.

Lingopolo content becomes free to share and build upon

Submitted by Hugh on 5 May 2017

I am pleased to announce that Lingopolo is now opening up all the recordings to make them  free to share and build upon.

Now you are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format

Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material

This follows on from the fact that now Lingopolo becomes 100% free.

Lingopolo becomes 100% free

Submitted by Hugh on 8 April 2017

I am excited and extremely pleased to announce that, as of today, Lingopolo becomes 100% free.

Previously there had been a monthly or annual membership subscription if you wanted to use Lingopolo. But no more; it is now 100% free.

Why? How, then, is Lingopolo going to make money?

A little bit of history

For the why, let me first explain a little bit of history and my original plans.

Course locks and timers

Submitted by Hugh on 17 February 2017

One of the latest features in Lingopolo is course timers and locks. The problem previously is that you would be faced with lots of courses, some of which you might have studied a bit, and some not, and you never quite knew where you should be studying next.

The introduction of course timers and locks will show you exactly where you should study.

The initial state for each set of courses is for the first course to be unlocked and the others to be locked: