Understand spoken Thai

"aakanee.com recordings" dans Thai

การบันทึกเสียงของ aakanee.com


These recordings are from the website aakanee.com They were kindly shared by the author in a way which allows us to reuse them here (under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License), for which Lingopolo is truly grateful.

The following comments accompanied the recordings:

Focus on spoken Thai for intermediate/advanced learners

There is a lack of material for intermediate and advanced learners of Thai. While many websites cover the basics, there are only limited resources available for more advanced students, in particular when it comes to spoken Thai. These recordings contribute to closing this gap. Thai Recordings as a project grew out of my own studies as an intermediate learner of Thai.

120+ clips of about 5 minutes each (although Lingopolo currently has only put a few online)

For a given topic, there are usually three recordings of about 5 minutes each. The recordings are not designed to teach anything in particular, and they don’t systematically cover vocabulary related to the respective topic. The intention is rather to provide examples of story telling and talking about experiences. All recordings are unscripted, natural speech and 100% in Thai; they all come with a transcript. Total length: 10.5 hours / ~50k words. The project is closed.


The Thai translation for “aakanee.com recordings” is การบันทึกเสียงของ aakanee.com. The Thai, การบันทึกเสียงของ aakanee.com, can be broken down into 28 parts:"Beach 1 (Dialogue)" (ชายหาดหนึ่ง (บทสนทนา)), "Beach 2 (Dialogue)" (ชายหาดสอง (บทสนทนา)), "Being polite 1 (Dialogue)" (ความสุภาพ 1 (บทสนทนา)), "Being polite 2" (ความสุภาพสอง), "Being polite 3" (ความสุภาพสาม), "Cambodia 1" (กัมพูชาหนึ่ง), "Cambodia 2" (กัมพูชาสอง), "Cambodia 3" (กัมพูชาสาม), "Cats 1" (แมวหนึ่ง), "Cats 2" (แมวสอง), "Cats 3" (แมวสาม), "Cinema 1" (โรงภาพยนตร์หนึ่ง), "Cinema 2" (โรงภาพยนตร์สอง), "Cinema 3" (โรงภาพยนตร์สาม), "Cockroach 1" (แมลงสาบหนึ่ง), "Cockroach 2" (แมลงสาบสอง), "Cockroach 3" (แมลงสาบสาม), "Coconut tree 1" (ต้นมะพร้าวหนึ่ง), "Coconut tree 2" (ต้นมะพร้าวสอง), "Coconut tree 3" (ต้นมะพร้าวสาม), "Computer 1" (คอมพิวเตอร์หนึ่ง), "Computer 2" (คอมพิวเตอร์สอง), "Computer 3" (คอมพิวเตอร์สาม), "Diarrhea 1" (โรคท้องเสียหนึ่ง), "Diarrhea 2" (โรคท้องเสียสอง), "Diarrhea 3" (โรคท้องเสียสาม), "Dogs 1" (สุนัขหนึ่ง) et "Dogs 2" (สุนัขสอง).

Practice Lesson

Lesson words
This lesson has no individual words.
Lesson phrases
This lesson has no phrases.


Audio source
Audio licence